Category Archives: Feature Author

11 business books that will improve your ability as an entrepreneur

cranium books entrepreneurs
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants," Isaac Newton famously said.
Seeing farther than others hasn't hurt anyone, if anything, it has paid off nicely. Ask Henry Ford, Steve Jobs or Sim Shagaya. Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires consistent attention to your intellectual well-being. Reading is always a scalable way to keep the brain ticking in tune with the different times. Continue reading

8 Easy Steps To Grow Your Business

man drawing schedule of business growth Running your own business as an entrepreneur can be the thing that really forces you to sharpen your sword and truly define your purpose and commitment to greatness. After starting my first business, going through months of failure and then finally figuring out a formula that started getting me customers and results -- I was on track and very eager to take my company to the next level. Continue reading