5 things that keep your social media account alive and 5 things that will kill it
Any marketing exec worth their salt knows that inbound marketing is more than just developing content. Success from content marketing is highly dependent on distribution.
The famous saying “content is king” is still true. But we are also beginning to see that content by itself is not effective if it’s not being seen.
Distribution is just as important, if not more. Jonathan Parelman, the former VP of Buzzfeed’s video division sums this wittily;
“Content is king…but distribution is the queen and she wears the pants”
And in that distribution is where Social Media outposts play a major role for you. Social media is one of the most effective ways to get more people to see your content and your brand.
It’s important not to handle your social media with kid’s gloves. In this article, we’ll share ten do’s and dont’s of social media for business: