5 things that keep your social media account alive and 5 things that will kill it
Any marketing exec worth their salt knows that inbound marketing is more than just developing content. Success from content marketing is highly dependent on distribution.The famous saying “content is king” is still true. But we are also beginning to see that content by itself is not effective if it’s not being seen. Distribution is just as important, if not more. Jonathan Parelman, the former VP of Buzzfeed’s video division sums this wittily;“Content is king…but distribution is the queen and she wears the pants”And in that distribution is where Social Media outposts play a major role for you. Social media is one of the most effective ways to get more people to see your content and your brand.It’s important not to handle your social media with kid’s gloves. In this article, we’ll share ten do’s and dont’s of social media for business:
This is an important and hard rule to keep in social media. It’s easy to think your social media is only another means to put your company out there. It is, of course. But it’s more. It’s a way to build your brand and be genuinely helpful. Because most people on social media are self-driven, if you focus only on your band, then you will annoy your followers. Talk about the passions of your audience. Answer their questions. Use their names when interacting with them. Be helpful.Don’t focus on your brand or money. Don’t see your followers as simply leads. They are humans with passions and dreams. Be interested in them.
2. Be original:
Or better still, be authentic. It’s hard to original in 2016. Anything new you want to do was probably done already. But that doesn’t limit you from infusing your brand’s individuality with your social media strategy. By being authentic, you help people see what differentiates you from other brands.Don’t do what everyone else is doing without adding your individuality to it. If you run another run-of-the-mill account, then no one would notice you.
3. Follow a process:
This should probably go without saying, but it’s incredible the number of social media marketers without a plan. Be clear on your social media goals and follow a process to create content for your social media. What platform gets what content and when do you post? Are your posts grammatically accurate? Do the links work? Don’t ignore these little details. They will determine whether or not your audience will stay tuned.
4. Experiment:
Your plan doesn’t have to be set in stone. The social media landscape is constantly evolving. To keep your audience deeply engaged, then it’s important to leave room to experiment. Note that we are not suggesting a wholesale overhaul of your plan, but you need to leave a little room to experiment.
Don’t stick with a plan that’s obviously not working for your business. Always be open and fluid.
5. Share responsibly:
On social media, you are what you share. What you share and how you share it matters. Share only content that builds your brand reputation. And share at reasonable intervals.Don’t spam your timeline. People hate to get the same message over and over again. Even when the content is useful, they may miss out on the real gems because they are buried in a deluge.What other do’s and dont’s should businesses be aware of on social media? Tell us in the comments. ___Are you a Nigerian entrepreneur with a transformative idea? Cranium One is a premium coworking hub that provides space for people to connect, collaborate and bring their ideas to reality. Learn more