20 startup pitch decks you should learn from

startup pitch decks samples

Credit: Theheureka

You have a great idea. So what? No matter how awesome your idea is, if you can’t convince people to buy into it, your business is as good as dead in the water. And one of the major people you’ll be selling the idea to is an investor. Say hello to the art of the pitch deck. A pitch deck is a brief presentation (usually based on slides) that provides your audience an overview of your business. When you remember that the audience are most likely investors, and you’re trying to raise either $5,000 or $50 million, it’s possible you get cold feet and scattered brain. Continue reading

What you should look for in a co-founder

Picking a co-founder is as important as finding a suitable spouse. It’s a huge decision that will have long-lasting effects on you and your business. Mess it up and you’ll be visiting the lawyers in a few years. Get it right, well, you’ll be able to take vacations in Seychelles for weeks at a time. Starting a business is hard and running a successful one is even harder. So, cue the “two heads are better than one” quotes. Having someone who’s as invested in the success of your company as you is not only good advice, it’s quickly become standard practice. Continue reading

9 secrets to building a winning team for your startup

  As entrepreneurs, there is just one thing that matters- Winning. And believe it, winning is not going to happen if you don’t build a great team that is fully committed to your vision. To be honest, your team is one of the most important differentiators between success and failure, and though you might be reluctant to employ because you are terrified of hiring the wrong person, eventually you have to take the leap of faith and hire. Continue reading

How to hire your first employees


When building your startup, a chief executive officer (which is you) and a chief technology officer are really all you need.

Hiring any other top-level management staff is a waste of fund. You don’t need a vice president of sales when you are still building out your product. And you don’t need a human resource manager when it’s just you and the CTO working late nights. Continue reading

5 content marketing mistakes you might be making at your startup (and how to fix them)

content-marketing Content marketing works. “Brands relying on inbound marketing save over $14 for every new customer acquired,” says Hubspot. But your story is probably different. Content marketing isn’t giving you as much return on investment as you anticipated. It could be because you are doing any of these five things we outline in this article: Continue reading

Simple tips to build your customer base using Social media

banner2 Customers are the heart of your business. They keep it alive. Unfortunately, they are also the hardest to find and keep. But to dig a little deeper; finding new customers is infinitely more difficult than keeping existing ones.  Acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one, according to the Harvard Business Review. Continue reading

5 things that keep your social media account alive and 5 things that will kill it

social media cranium one Any marketing exec worth their salt knows that inbound marketing is more than just developing content. Success from content marketing is highly dependent on distribution. The famous saying “content is king” is still true. But we are also beginning to see that content by itself is not effective if it’s not being seen. Continue reading

8 content marketing strategies to grow your business faster

Content Marketing Traditional outbound marketing has given way to inbound marketing. At the center of all that is content marketing. Everyone is doing content marketing these days. 88% of surveyed companies say they are doing content marketing [PDF]. That’s everyone. And content marketing works, in case you were wondering why everyone is on the wagon. 82% of those who publish a blog post every day acquired at least one customer, according to HubSpot’s State of Inbound Marketing study. Continue reading