How to choose what networking events to attend

Cranium One-146 For every serious entrepreneur, there is too much going on to add jockeying networking events into the mix. But if you dismissed every event, you will miss out on genuine business benefits of attending networking events. The most important part in choosing to attend an event or not is in justifying the slice of time you would spend cozying up to other players in your industry. How do you know which events are worth your time? And which ones will give you a justifiable return on time invested? Continue reading

Connect: A new entrepreneur’s guide to making the best of networking events

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A networking event is only as good as the attendees. We won’t rule out the roles of the canapés and cocktails, but in the final analysis, it’s about the people.

For a new entrepreneur, getting out and meeting people could be an inconvenience. What with your product not being ready for the market, the day-to-day bludgeoning of entrepreneurship and the general awkwardness around people some of us have. Continue reading

4 business benefits of attending networking events

cranium one blog networking If we boil success down to its core, we’d find that it comes down to the types of relationships we build. The quality and girth of our personal and professional relationships signal how successful we’d be and how profitable your business will turn out. Porter Gale, former VP of Marketing at Virgin America captured the invaluable worth of networking in this brilliant, pithy quote: Continue reading

How to throw your employees’ productivity into high gear

How to throw your employees' productivity into high gear cranium one The idea of a lone hyperactive genius toiling away at an idea all by themselves is the most popular in the industry press. But it's foolishness to think any founder can survive without the employees. It’s possible Steve Jobs would not be the celebrated genius if he didn't have his partner, Steve Wozniak and the thousand other geniuses paddling hard below the deck. Same goes for  Thomas Edison, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Sim Shagaya, MZ, etc. Continue reading

5 leadership guidelines to become a successful young entrepreneur

You can’t afford to be a half-baked leader if you care about the growth of your company. A study by Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman of approximately 50,000 Fortune 500 managers shows that leaders, good and bad, affect the profitability of their companies.

The difference in the net income of organizations led by great leaders and mediocre leaders is as much as 102%. Continue reading

7 reasons you need to expand your knowledge as an entrepreneur

When you started out with your business idea, you were armed with a lot of skills, information, zeal, passion and importantly knowledge. All of those things have paid off in the long run which is why your business is doing so fine. So while you are busy trying to keep your business above the blue line, sitting in seminars, reading books or attending courses are the farthest from your mind. If that is the case, you are Wrong! Continue reading

11 business books that will improve your ability as an entrepreneur

cranium books entrepreneurs
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants," Isaac Newton famously said.
Seeing farther than others hasn't hurt anyone, if anything, it has paid off nicely. Ask Henry Ford, Steve Jobs or Sim Shagaya. Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires consistent attention to your intellectual well-being. Reading is always a scalable way to keep the brain ticking in tune with the different times. Continue reading

6 Brilliant Short Courses That Will Make You A Better Entrepreneur

image00 Most Entrepreneurs have no time for active personal development. Between irate customers, draining investor pitches and everything in-between, catching four hours of sleep alone is a small miracle. Unless intentionally pursued, entrepreneurs could go years with the workaday activities of their business without growing as a person or as an entrepreneur. The outworking of this could be anything from a failed business to a failed life. Continue reading